





So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for I
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the peace in every eye

She had two babies
One was six months one was three
In the war of '44
Every telephone ring
Every heartbeat sting
When she thought it was God calling her
Oh would her son grow to know his father

I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right now
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

He showed up all wet
On the rainy front step
Wearing shrapnel in his skin
And the war he saw
Lives inside him still
It's so hard to be gentle and warm
The years passed by and now
He had granddaughters

So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for I
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the peace in every eye

She had two babies
One was six months one was three
In the war of '44
Every telephone ring
Every heartbeat sting
When she thought it was God calling her
Oh would her son grow to know his father

I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right now
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

He showed up all wet
On the rainy front step
Wearing shrapnel in his skin
And the war he saw
Lives inside him still
It's so hard to be gentle and warm
The years passed by and now
He had granddaughters

I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right now
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

Oh so you look at me
From across the room
You're wearing your anguish again
Believe me, I know the feeling
It sucks you into the jaws of anger
Oh, so dig a little more deeply,
All we have is the very moment
And I don't want to do what
His father and his father and his father did
I want to be here now

So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for right
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the peace in every eye

I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right now
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right now
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for right
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the love in every eye

Oh so you look at me
From across the room
You're wearing your anguish again
Believe me, I know the feeling
It sucks you into the jaws of anger
Oh, so dig a little more deeply,
All we have is the very moment
And I don't want to do what
His father and his father and his father did
I want to be here now

So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for right
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the peace in every eye

I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right now
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right now
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for right
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the love in every eye







我等不及长大 | 欢迎来到这世界 | 布布布迪奥 | 你在我心中 | 血洒在我的思想轨迹上 | 提米与地狱之主 | 与你远行 | 复仇的火焰 | 不要再去做情郎 | 女人善变 | 求你不要死 | 书写乐章 | 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 | 手枪舞 | 小蜘蛛 | 小兔子福福 | 温蒂试镜曲 | 你懂了,姑娘 | 拉网之歌 | 我与耶稣牵手走 | 回忆三年级 | 迫不及待 | 奇迹缔造者 | 安娜波尔卡舞曲 | 木屐舞 | 婊子之歌 | 民主古巴 | 旧时摇滚 | 屎之循环 | 平安夜 | 糖果仙子之舞 | 奇迹也要搭把手
上学天 | 你好!我的宝贝 | 瘸帮和血帮 | 迫不及待 | 主战反战音乐大对抗 | 跑向边境线 | 卷饼味之吻 | 献给本的卷饼吻 | 爱情即战场 | 越来越好 | 信仰+1(专辑) | 耶稣,宝贝 | 丽家之歌 | 如果你现在离我而去 | 祝你生日快乐 | 墨西哥帽子舞 | 约瑟夫·史密斯是先知 | 灭掉香烟 | 卷烟歌 | 失落的爱 | 不懂你的感受 | 生在美利坚 | 惊吓猴子 | YMCA | 抓住萨达姆响叮当 | 沿着唯一的路 | 法式加拿大 | 绿袖子 | 欢迎来到加拿大