- Conan O'Brien
- Stan Marsh
- Randy Marsh
第58届黄金时段艾美奖 | |
Stan's room. Conan O'Brien opens the door and walks into the room, panting. He takes a look at himself. | |
What the... oh my God! What's happened to me? | |
Dude, get out of my room. | |
AHHH!!! | |
Conan runs into Stan's closet and locks himself in | |
Hey, hey! That's my closet! | |
Leave me alone! | |
[walks out of his room into the corridor] Dad! Conan O'Brien won't come out of the closet! | |
What? [he knocks on the closet door] Mr. O'Brien, you need to come out of the closet. | |
[opens the door and runs out] Ah! There's someone else in there! [leaves the room] | |
Upon Conan leaving the room, Tom Cruise appears out of the closet for a second, before going back into the closet and locking himself in as well. | |
Mr. Cruise! [knocks on the door, then tries to open it] | |
第58届黄金时段艾美奖 结束 |