





Oh, no
See you walking 'round like it's a funeral
Not so serious, girl; why those feet cold?
We just getting started; don't you tiptoe, tiptoe, ah

Waste time with a masterpiece, don't waste time with a masterpiece
You should be rolling with me, you should be rolling with me, ah
You're a real-life fantasy, you're a real-life fantasy
But you're moving so carefully; let's start living dangerously

Talk to me, baby
I’m going blind from this sweet sweet craving, whoa-oh
Let's lose our minds and go crazy crazy
Ah ya ya ya ya I keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean
Walk for me, baby
I'll be Diddy, you'll be Naomi, whoa-oh
Let's lose our minds and go crazy crazy
Ah ya ya ya ya I keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean

Hot damn
See you licking frosting from your own hands
Want another taste, I'm begging, yes ma'am
I'm tired of all this candy on the dry land, dry land, oh

You're crazy delicious
Talk to me, girl

Red velvet, vanilla, chocolate in my life
Funfetti, I'm ready; I need it every night
Red velvet, vanilla, chocolate in my life
Ah ya ya ya ya I keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean


  • 这首歌在2016年青少年选择奖获得最佳派对歌曲。
海边蛋糕 | 星条旗 | 吞云吐雾 | 偷走阳光 | 伺机而动 | 叮锵叮 | 让我们团结如学校 | 阿非利加 | 比尔·克林顿绅士俱乐部(歌曲) | 永不放弃你 | 向统帅致敬 | 唱唱唱