- Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo
- Stan Marsh
- Kyle Broflovski
- Kenny McCormick
- Eric Cartman
- Angels
- Bradley Biggle
- Mr. Garrison
- Mr. Hat
- Mailman
- Satan
- Adolf Hitler
- Demons
- Bailey
- John F. Kennedy
- John F. Kennedy Jr.
- Jesus Christ
- Santa Claus
- Various Kids
- Mr. Mackey
- Shelly Marsh
- News Anchor
- Man on Porto Potty
- Sheila Broflovski
- Gerald Broflovski
- Ike Broflovski
漢基先生的聖誕特輯 | |
A WSPK Channel 2 news anchorman appears | |
Fighting the frizzies, at 11. | |
Intro. Mailman, tall and lanky with a very long cheek, walks into view | |
We've all heard of Rudolph and his shiny nose | |
Robert T. Pooner Presents. Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics. A Collection of 10 Holiday Songs | |
Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo | |
Small and brown, he comes from you. | |
Sit on the toilet; here he comes! | |
Squeeze in 'tween your festive buns. [A boy dances on his ass on the toilet] | |
Mailman and Kids: | |
[a kid holds up a Hankey X-ray] He's seen the love inside of you, 'cause | |
Mailman and Kids|[Mailman leads them] He's a piece of poo! | |
Sometimes he's nutty [a girl holds a drawing], | |
Mmm-mmm. | |
But if you eat fiber on Christmas Eve, | |
Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo | |
He loves me, I love you. | |
[has pants pulled down behind a bush] I can make a Mr. Hankey, too! [craps] | |
[pops out from behind the bushes] | |
"Howdy ho ho, yum yum yum." | |
Christmastime has come! | |
Sometimes he's runny. | |
Sometimes he's firm. | |
Sometimes he's practically water. | |
[opens the door] Sometimes he hangs off the end of your ass | |
[Mr. Hankey now leads them] Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo | |
When Christmas leaves; he must leave too. [Santa lands with reindeer] | |
[Mr. Hankey hops on and waves good-bye. They wave good-bye back] | |
Howdy Ho! | |
Mr. Hankey is now shown seated on an armchair next to the crackling fireplace. Next to him is a small table with a gifts on it. Behind him is a Christmas tree with gifts at its base | |
Howdy-ho, folks. We're gonna do somethin' a little bit different tonight. Instead of our normal thing, we're just gonna sit back and enjoy some holiday songs. And if ya don't like it, well, I guess you can suck my tiny little balls. So let's start off with a festive Hanukkah song, sung by my favorite Jewish person in the whole world. | |
The Broflovski house, decorated for Channukah. A dreidel spins on the living room rug. Kyle and Ike watch it spin and fall | |
Okay, Ike. You're my little brother, so I have to show you how to celebrate Hanukkah. [picks it up] This is called a dreidel. You spin it and see where it lands. And you sing this song: [begins to dance] | |
Hey, what the hell are you doing?! | |
Oh! Hey Cartman. We're playing dreidel; you wanna try? | |
Sure. [takes it and walks up to the camera. Kyle sways to the song] | |
[stops] Hey, shut your mouth, fatass! | |
[moves to block Kyle from view. Kyle moves to the other side of the screen to be seen. They go back and forth like this for a while] | |
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
Jews... | |
I made you out of clay. | |
...play stupid games. | |
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
Jews... | |
with dreidel I shall play. | |
that's why they're lame. | |
[Enters] What's going on? ...Oh, it's that Hanukkah thing. | |
It's sooo amazing! [shows the dreidel to Stan] You spin this thing on the ground and it goes 'round and 'round. I could watch it aaall day! | |
Let me try. [takes it and spins it on the rug]
I'll try to make it spin. | |
together. Cartman remains still between Stan and Kyle as Ike dances on the sofa behind them | |
Oh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay. | |
I'll try to make it spin. | |
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play. | |
It fell; I'll try again. | |
together, alternate with Cartman. Cartman walks behind the sofa, then pops up from the back. Above him is a string of Stars of David. Stan keeps trying... | |
Oh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
I'll try | |
Jews.. | |
I made you out of clay. | |
to make it spin. | |
...play stupid games. | |
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
It fell; | |
Jews... | |
with dreidel I shall play. | |
I'll try again. | |
that's why they're lame. | |
Hoh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
I'll try | |
Cartman takes a Star of David down from the string and carries it out front | |
Jews... | |
I made you out of clay. | |
to make it spin. |
台詞 |
...play stupid games. | |
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
It fell, | |
Jews... | |
with dreidel I shall play. | |
I'll try again. | |
that's why they're lame. | |
Hello, boys! | |
Hi, Mom! | |
Oh, how precious! You boys are all playing dreidel. Now, you know that dreidel is a time-honored tradition for the Hebrew people. | |
Yes, we know, Ms. Broflovski. It's so very interesting. | |
Now when you learn to make the dreidel spin | |
Jews... | |
to make the dreidel spin [spins herself] | |
...play stupid games. | |
You'll know [high kick] | |
Jews... | |
our people always win. | |
[hushed]] that's why they're lame. [Gerald enters] | |
Oh, hi Dad. | |
Hello, everybody. Say, can I join in? | |
Sure! I have a little dreidel; I made it out of clay. | |
together, alternate with Cartman. All five break into song and dance. The boys dance in figure-8 form | |
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
I'll try | |
Now when you learn | |
Courtney Cox, | |
Jews... | |
I made you out of clay. | |
to make it spin. | |
to make the dreidel spin [spins herself] | |
I love you. | |
...play stupid games. | |
reidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
It fell; | |
You'll know [high kick. Gerald holds her] | |
You're so hot | |
Jews… | |
with dreidel I shall play. | |
I'll try again. | |
our people always win. | |
on that show. | |
that's why they're lame. | |
All now dance in place | |
Hoh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
I'll try | |
Keep spinning: learn | |
Courtney Cox, | |
Jews... | |
I made you out of clay. | |
to make it spin. | |
to make the dreidel spin | |
I love you. | |
...play stupid games. | |
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
It fell, | |
You'll know | |
You're so hot | |
Jews... | |
with dreidel I shall play. | |
I'll try again. | |
our people always win. | |
on that show. | |
The others stop singing, but continue dancing | |
Courtney Cox, I love you. [Kyle stops and stares at Gerald] | |
Dad? [Cartman stops] | |
Courtney Cox, | |
Dad. | |
I- | |
We're singing about a dreidel. | |
[stops dancing] ...Oh, sorry. | |
We'll talk about this later, Gerald! | |
together, alternate with Cartman, resume song and dance. Kyle is up front. Left: Cartman, Ike, and Gerald. Right: Stan and Sheila | |
Oh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
I'll try | |
Now when you learn | |
Courtney Cox, | |
Jews... | |
I made you out of clay. | |
to make it spin. | |
to make the dreidel spin | |
I love you. | |
...play stupid games. | |
Front: Sheila. Left: Stan and Kyle. Right: Cartman, Ike, and Gerald | |
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
It fell, | |
You'll know | |
You're so hot | |
Jews... | |
Front: Cartman. Left: Ike and Gerald. Right: Kyle and Sheila. Center: Stan | |
with dreidel I shall play. | |
I'll try again. | |
our people always win. | |
on that show. | |
that's why they're lame. | |
Front: Gerald. Left: Stan and Sheila. Right: Cartman, Ike, and Kyle. | |
Hoh, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
I'll try | |
Keep spinning: learn | |
Courtney Cox, | |
Jews... | |
Front: Stan. Left: Cartman and Gerald. Right: Ike, Kyle, and Sheila | |
I made you out of clay. | |
to make it spin. | |
to make the dreidel spin | |
I love you. | |
...play stupid games. | |
Front: Ike. Left: Kyle and Stan. Right: Gerald and Cartman. Center: Sheila | |
Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, | |
It fell, | |
You'll know | |
You're so hot | |
Jews... | |
big finish. Kyle steps forward. Left: Stan and Sheila. Right: Cartman and Gerald. On the sofa back: Ike. Some more dancing ensues | |
with dreidel I shall play. | |
I'll try again. | |
our people- know our people always win. | |
on that show. | |
that's why they're lame. | |
Ike releases the dreidel, which spins successfully. The camera zooms in, only to see it fall. | |
Back at the armchair... | |
Woohoo! Golly, that sure was fun. But now, for our next song, hold on to your bootstraps, 'cause we're gonna descend down into Hell! | |
Hell. Flames abound here, but an ashen plain is seen with a little campfire on it. Hitler, shown in shades of gray, is on his knees in front of the fire, crying. Before him is a tree stand, but there's no tree in it. | |
O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum, | |
[walks up] Hey, Hitler. [turns to face him] What's the matter, little guy? | |
Oh, oh Satan, der tannenbaum, wie treu sind deine Blätter. | |
Awww, you don't have a Christmas tree? | |
…nur zur Sommerzeit, nein, auch im Winter, wenn es schneit. | |
[the damned appear around him] Well, I tell you what: Maybe we'll have ourselves a little Christmas, right here! Come on, everyone, gather 'round!
String up the lights and light up the tree. | |
Christmastime in Hell! | |
There goes Jeffrey Dahmer with a festive Christmas ham. | |
Reunited for the holidays, God bless us, everyone! | |
Everybody has a happy glow! | |
Even Mao Tse Tung is under the spell [Mao is making a snow angel] | |
It's Christmastime in Hell! | |
Adolf, here's a present for you! [hands him a present] | |
Oh? [opens the gift, it's the Christmas tree he wanted] Ein tannenbaum! [hugs it] | |
Yes, ein tannenbaum. | |
Aaa-aaa! | |
God cast me down from heaven's door | |
'Cause it's Christmastime in Hell! | |
Here's a rack to hang the stockings on [...the type of rack with a man stretched out on it] | |
We still have to shop for Genghis Khan [seen] | |
Michael Landon's hair looks swell. | |
It's Christmastime in Hell! | |
There's Princess Diana holding burning mistletoe | |
For one day we all stop burning, and the flames are not so thick. [a demon turns down the flames] | |
Gather close together and make it quick! | |
[slowing, takes away the set] Wake his mother and ring the bell. It's... [three demons dress Satan in a green cape and Santa cap] | |
[normal, on an altar] Christmastime... | |
Christmastime... [demons carry Christmas ornaments] | |
Christmastime... [other fly up with angel wings] | |
Christmastime... [others dance around a burning tree] | |
Christmastime... [Satan on the stage. In front of him...] | |
Christmastime... [one demon flies up and left] | |
It's Christmastime... [one flies up and right] | |
Christmastime... [one flies straight up] | |
It's Christ-mas-time in Hell!!!![the damned form circles around two trees. Demons hover around Satan] | |
[walking by] Merry Christmas, movie house! | |
Brrrrrrroom! [Demons fly away] | |
The anchorman reappears | |
Fighting the frizzies, at 11. | |
Star Wars lettering: "Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics" | |
Howdy-ho! | |
Mr. Mackey's house. He really decorated for the holidays. He comes out dressed as a bell | |
Uh. | |
a floating Mackey head appears to the upper right | |
Christmas is here, bringing good cheer | |
Ding Dong | |
a second Mackey head appears on the lower left | |
Ding dong ding-dong, that is their song | |
Ding Dong | |
Ding Dong | |
three Mackeys appear in split-screen | |
One seems to hear words of good cheer | |
a fourth Mackey, playing Scrabble, joins the other three, but sings his own part | |
O, how they pound raising their sound | |
O, wail | |
all four, dressed as bells, are in front of the house | |
Gaily they ring while people sing | |
the four Mackeys are now small bells on a Christmas tree. | |
Merry Merry Merry Merry Christmas | |
Ding dong ding-dong, that is their song | |
Ding Dong | |
Ding- Can you hear them? | |
the four appear normal in front of the house, then at the Scrabble table | |
On, on they send, on without end, | |
Ding Dong | |
Ding Dong | |
one Mackey bell is alone in front of the house | |
Hark, hear the bells, sweet silver bells. | |
Dong_____________ | |
Dong_____________ | |
all four Mackey bells appear, then Mr. Mackey is alone | |
On, on they send, on without end, | |
M'kay M'kay___________ | |
M'kay_________________ | |
the small Mackey bells appear one by one on the tree, then the four appear in front of the house | |
ing dong ding-dong, m'kay___ | |
one Mackey bell remains | |
M'kay. | |
Back at the armchair... | |
Well, that was a nice little song, wasn't it? But let's not forget that for some people Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. So now, here's a more serious Christmas song, sung by Eric Cartman. | |
The town of Bethlehem. Cartman is superimposed on it. He's in formal wear. | |
And... | |
Back at the armchair.. | |
Well, oh boy, that was a super song! And now, let's hear from the school teacher, Mr. Garrison. | |
South Park Elementary. Class is in session. Mr. Garrison has drawn a world map on the board. | |
Okay, children, let's take our seats. Today we're going to learn how different cultures around the world celebrate the holiday season. | |
[flatly] Awww. | |
(What?!) | |
Now, pay attention. Ahem...
I heard there is no Christmas in the silly Middle East [points it out] | |
The anchorman reappears | |
Frizzies, at 11. | |
Star Wars lettering: "Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics" | |
Howdy-ho! | |
A happy Shelly Marsh plays piano, but... | |
I saw three ships come sailing in | |
AAAA! [...and slams it down on the boys. She walks away.] | |
Back at the armchair... | |
Golly, that sure was swell. I'd say my Christmas special is going super-fantastic. Well, now it's time to hear from perhaps the two most important people of the whole season. | |
McKemick's Night Club. Tonight: Jesus and Saint Nick. A man goes towards the club. | |
Hello, everyone, and welcome to McKemick's. Now, please put your hands together and welcome... Saint Nicholas and Jesus Christ. [Jesus and Santa enter on stage, and the audience claps] | |
Hello, everybody! | |
[waves] How are y'all doing tonight? | |
You know, Jesus, there've been so many songs written about us over the years. | |
That's right, Santa, and we love each and every one of them. Like this one.
Joy to the world, for I have come. | |
And heaven and nature sing... | |
And heaven and nature sing... | |
And heaven and nature sing... | |
And heaven and na- | |
And heaven and heaven and nature sing. | |
You know, Jesus, that is a nice song, but I like... this one: | |
[sway together] | |
Up on the housetop, click click click. | |
He he hoo, get away! [pushes him away] | |
Go away?? | |
Get away. | |
Where away? | |
[gets some applause] | |
Looked down where I lay. | |
Cute little eight-pound me (Santa: Oo-oo) | |
asleep in (Santa: on) the hay. | |
[gets some applause and sings upbeat] | |
Here's one, Jol- | |
Hark, the herald angels sing, Glory- | |
Hey, it's my turn. | |
-to Me! | |
Uh. | |
Holy Night | |
Santa Cl- em | |
All is calm, all is bright | |
Saint Nicholas... can't think of one. | |
Holy Me, so tender and mild. | |
Okay, Jesus. Here's one you might remember:
Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand | |
Uh. Santa, Santa, Santa, that's not a Christmas song, bud. Ah... that's- | |
I know, but there's, like, three-hundred Jesus Christmas songs and only four fucking Santa ones! It's not fair! Just do it yourself! I'm leaving. [walks off the stage] | |
Aw, come on, Santa. You can't leave. | |
Aw, fuck you, Jesus! | |
But Santa... The weather outside is frightful | |
[offscreen] Aw. | |
But the fire so delightful | |
[returns to the stage] Well, since I've no place to go. | |
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. [more applause] | |
It doesn't show signs of stoppin'. | |
But I brought some corn for poopity-poppin'. | |
The lights are turned way down low, so | |
The fire is slowly dyin', | |
And, my dear, we're still good-bop-be-byein', | |
But as long as you love me so, | |
[they dance and hold hands, then Jesus twirls him. Santa spins off the stage] | |
let it snow! | |
[slides back on stage on his knees] | |
The anchorman reappears | |
Fighting frizzies, at 11. | |
Star Wars lettering: "Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics" | |
Howdy-ho! | |
A toilet bowl. Mr. Hankey is floating on the water there. | |
Well, I guess that's about the end of my Christmas album. Gosh! It was sure nice hangin' out with y'all again. Well, I guess if there's just... one thing I have left to say, it would be this:
Have yourself a merry little Christmas | |
[In the next scene Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny join him. Clips of Wendy, Sheila, the Mayor, Ms. Crabtree, and Liane follow.] | |
Through the years we all will be together | |
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. [Kyle lifts Mr. Hankey up to do this. Sharon hugs and kisses Stan, JFK and Hitler approach the fireplace and embrace] | |
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now. | |
[takes Mr. Hankey from Kyle] Time to go, Mr. Hankey. | |
Goodbye, everybody, [Cartman flushes him down] and Meeeeerry Christmas! [Stan and Kyle join Cartman to see Mr. Hankey be flushed away.] | |
[into the toilet bowl] Bye, Mr. Hankey. See you next year. | |
The camera zooms back from a pink house not seen before. | |
The anchorman reappears | |
And now, fighting the frizzies. [begins to box what looks like a frizzy monster.] | |
"Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel" plays as the anchor and the frizzy monster continue to box and the credits roll. | |
Come on! Kick my ass! [he and the monster continue boxing] | |
漢基先生的聖誕特輯 結束 |