




I'm the kid that's all the candy,
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy,
I'm glad I am,
So's Uncle Sam.
I'm a real live Yankee Doodle,
Made my name and fame and boodle,
Just like Mister Doodle did, by riding on a pony.
I love to listen to the Dixie strain,
I long to see the girl I left behind me;
That ain't a josh,
She's a Yankee, by gosh.
Oh, say can you see,
Anything about a Yankee that's a phony?

Father's name was Hezikiah,
Mother's name was Ann Maria,
Yanks through and through.
Red, White and Blue
Father was so Yankee-hearted,
When the Spanish war was started,
He slipped on a uniform and hopped upon a pony.
My mother's mother was a Yankee true,
My father's father was a Yankee too:
That's going some,
For the Yankees, by gum.
Oh, say can you see
Anything about my pedigree that's phony?

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy,
A Yankee Doodle, do or die;
A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam,
Born on the Fourth of July.
I've got a Yankee Doodle sweetheart,
She's my Yankee Doodle joy.
Yankee Doodle came to London, just to ride the ponies;
I am the Yankee Doodle Boy.

与海豚遨游 | 血雨 | 告示牌 | 我的世界怎么了 | 舞蹈皇后 | 费尔南多 | | 是谁放的狗 | 无法寻觅他爱 | 我看到一只小瓢虫 | 你最棒 | 全都改正 | 张开双臂 | 才艺表演是娘炮 | 扬基小子歌 | 飞到属于我们的地方 | 摇你身体 | 遗爱已久 | 就这样 | 我们可以共存 | 露西尔 | 困在衣柜中 | 墨西哥帽子舞