




I sit in a yellow cubicle
And I type at an orange screen
And I'll get a raise next Tuesday
If I can keep my office clean

The women here ignore me
They call me "Scrawny Dan"
But that's because they don't know me
They don't know who I really am

I am Chewbacca
I am a wookie
I fight the empire
I fix the robots

Don't fucking cross me
I am Chewbacca
In need of no one
In want of nothing

I am Chewbacca
I have no home
My home is where
My spirit goes

Don't fucking taunt me
'Cause I'm Chewbacca
I'll rip your arms off
I'll kill your friends

I think about my home planet
When I'm in the conference room
I wear a coat and tie
But my heart is filled with gloom

'Cause that f***** on the Death Star
Would like to see me dead
Someday I'll tear off his black helmet
And take a dump on his fuckin' head

I am Chewbacca
I am a wookie
I fight the empire
On the Millenium Falcon

You want a piece of me?
You want a piece of Chewbacca?
I'm eight feet tall
I'll kick your ass

I am Chewbacca
I've got no home
My home is where
My spirit goes

童喜童乐 | 姑娘我和你 | 精虫上脑 | 逝去的清晨 | 我恨你们 | 性骚扰熊猫之歌 | 雪莉,雪莉 | 狗屎! | 飙风战警说唱 | 相信 | 从我身边消失 | 银铃铛 | 雪橇行 | 快买小鸡鸡宝贝 | 帮我买小鸡鸡宝贝 | 神圣救世主 | 丽贝卡之歌 | 我是丘巴卡 | 飞得这么高 | 圣诞便便汉基先生 | 陀螺歌 | 哦,圣诞树 | 地狱圣诞节 | 铃铛颂 | 圣善夜 | 圣诞你妈的快乐 | 我看见三艘船 | 圣诞组曲 | 祝你过个快乐的小圣诞 | 史上最冒犯之歌 | 友谊地久天长 | 月经之歌 | 棕色音符 | 为你,我的国家