On the 1st draft of the script, this episode was originally titled "Cartman's Bathroom".
The "Spin Article" prop, created by the Art Department.
Even something as small as
Cartman's comic books must be mocked up & approved prior to animation.
Check out Erica's little makeover for this episode, from storyboard to character design.
Special poses were created for both
Cartman & the Interior Designer.
Unique "toilet" poses were made for this shot with Wendyl busting in on Erica.
Before anything can be animated, it is first "boarded" by the Storyboard Department.
Art of the poster hanging on Shelly's wall.
Lorde had an outfit change from the previous week's show. Here's her new look.
A special pose and set-up was needed to create this shot of
Randy sitting on the bench.
Production art used for
Randy's hand-written lyrics in the end montage.
Butters got a special "tutu" outfit for the end montage.
Character art used while designing
Wendy's Wendyl outfit.