


斯坦·马什制作了一个反霸凌音乐视频《让霸凌自杀》,该视频由巴基·贝利反霸凌组织发起。斯坦将他对该视频的所有权利了卖给电影制作人尼克·贾布斯,贾布斯为斯坦和巴特斯安排出席《奥兹医生秀》(The Dr. Oz Show)以推广视频。迈哈迈特·奥兹医生因巴特斯被激怒后狠狠地攻击他而起诉了南方公园小学。由于巴特斯事件的不良宣传,贾布斯拒绝了视频的交易。




  • 该视频是对杰森·罗素(Jason Russell)精神失常,被发现在圣迭戈公共场所自慰并扰乱了交通的戏仿。[1]
  • 该歌曲于2012年8月21日由喜剧中心唱片公司(Comedy Central Records)在iTunes上发行。[2]
  • 为了迎接第二十五季的发行,《南方公园》官方在2022年1月28日发布了由一个管弦乐队所演绎出的歌曲。




Baaam badam baaam baaadam. Baaam badam bam
Baaam badam baaam baaadam. Baaam badam bam

I'm gonna jack it where the sun always shines (he's gonna jack it)
Been spreadin' the word and now I need to ease my mind (jackin' it, ohhh)
Been plantin' them apple seeds, and while the apples grow
I'm gonna go out jackin' it in San Diego

Jackin' it, jackin' it, jackin' it, jack
Spankin' it, jackin' it, spankin' it, smack

I don't need no shirt, no, I'm gonna take them pants right off (he's about to jack it)
On such a bright day, who needs underwear or socks? (jack it, jack it, ohhh)
Been around God's country and there's one thing I know
There's no better place for jackin' it than San Diego

Jack it, jack it, jackin' it, jack
Spankin' it, spankin' it, smackin' it, smack
Jackin' it, jackin' it, jackin' it, jack (jack it for the Lord)
Jackin' it, spankin' it, smackin' it, smack

"Come to San Diego, there's so much to see. From the sparkling waters of Mission Bay to the warm tortillas of Old Town. And after a day of sight-seeing, why not try spankin' it in one of our charming city streets?

San Diego. Come, take a load off."

Jackin' it, jackin' it, jackin' it, jack
Spankin' it, spankin' it, smackin' it, smack
A-whackin' it, whackin' it, whackin' it, whack
Spankin' it, jerkin' it, smackin' it, smack

The cars are all passin' me by, they're honkin' and sayin' "hello" (hey, that guy's jackin' it)
From his window, there's a guy shootin' video (video of him jackin')
And if the good Lord, Jesus, comes knockin' on my door
Just tell him that I'm jackin' it in San Diego

Jackin' it, jackin' it, jackin' it, jack
Spankin' it, spankin' it, smackin' it, smack (he's about to jack it)
Jack it, whack it, jack it, jackin' it, jack (whackin' it, whackin' it)
Whack it, whack it, spank, spank, whack, whackin' it, whack


珠宝波尔卡 | 我会做的唯一模因 | 狂人 | 耶稣爱我 | 我们爱愈深 | 圣地亚哥打飞机 | 让霸凌自杀 | 小绿蛙 | 我发誓 | 星条旗 | 我爱讽刺球 | 詹姆斯·卡梅隆传奇 | 小胖嘟嘟来也 | 江南style | 想要飞 | 帝国进行曲