
“困在衣柜中”是出现在第九季困在衣柜中”一集中的歌曲。它戏仿了R·凯利的音乐电影《被困柜中》(Trapped in the Closet)。





R·凯利Well I was just standing here, and Tom Cruise locked himself in the closet. I asked myself "Why won't Tom Cruise just come out the closet?" Nobody has no answers, and so I pull out my gun! Tell me why Tom Cruise in the closet or else I'm gonna shoot someone!

R·凯利I was just standing here. Tom Cruise locked himself in the closet. Then John Travolta come and now, John Travolta in the closet too. Please Tom Cruise and John Travolta come out the closet! I'm gonna calm myself down, and I pull out my gun! If Tom Cruise and John Travolta don't come out of the closet I'm gonna cap this bitch.

R·凯利Now, I've been asked to come up here, get you both out of the closet. Man, this is some crazy shit. Why won't you both just come out the closet? And they said...
Tom Cruise和约翰·特拉沃尔塔We're not comin' out the closet, so you can just go away.
R·凯利But everyone wants you out the closet.
Tom Cruise和约翰·特拉沃尔塔That doesn't matter 'cause we're gonna stay.
R·凯利Now I'm startin' to get angry, so I pull out my gun!
R·凯利I'm gonna give you a count to three to open this closet door, one - I'm gonna shoot you both, two - I'm gonna cap some bitch, three...
R·凯利Now I'm in the closet. Now I'm in the closet too.


  • 汤姆·克鲁斯躲进柜子的情节与R.凯利的音乐系列电影《被困柜中》的剧情相对应。
  • 剧情中R·凯利频繁的拔枪动作恶搞了他在《被困柜中》中经常坚持举枪瞄准别人却又没打出过一粒子弹的行为。这一桥段成为了这个系列电影的粉丝们的快乐源泉。
与海豚遨游 | 血雨 | 告示牌 | 我的世界怎么了 | 舞蹈皇后 | 费尔南多 | | 是谁放的狗 | 无法寻觅他爱 | 我看到一只小瓢虫 | 你最棒 | 全都改正 | 张开双臂 | 才艺表演是娘炮 | 扬基小子歌 | 飞到属于我们的地方 | 摇你身体 | 遗爱已久 | 就这样 | 我们可以共存 | 露西尔 | 困在衣柜中 | 墨西哥帽子舞