他的技能是战吼:朝向敌人领袖射出激光光束,对路径上所有敌人造成伤害(命中敌人领袖则造成 1/5 的伤害)。
- 召唤
- "I will sacrifice you."
- "The calendar foretold it."
- 被攻击
- "This was not foretold."
- 击败
- "A curse upon you!"
等阶 | 血量 | 攻击 | 技能伤害(一般/领袖) |
1 | 180 | 60 | 150/15 |
2 | 229 | 76 | 150/15 |
3 | 380 | 126 | 246/25 |
4 | 517 | 172 | 389/39 |
5 | 617 | 206 | 533/53 |
6 | 675 | 226 | 580/58 |
7 | 719 | 245 | 599/60 |
- 05/17/18
- Added to game.
- 08/31/18
- Added to PVP packs and PVP lockers.
- 11/09/18
- Added to free packs, main shop packs, and PVE packs.
- 05/07/19
- Base health increased from 210 to 350.
- Base attack increased from 28 to 30.
- Base Warcry damage increased from 150 to 200.
- Warcry line width increased by 50%.
- Warcry New Kid damage decreased from Warcry damage divided by 3 to Warcry damage divided by 5.
- 10/01/19
- Laser Damage decreased by 20%. At base level, it will now do 160 damage to units, down from 200 and 32 New Kid damage, down from 40
- Laser Width decreased to 1.2, from 1.5. (He should no longer hit units behind the New Kid)
- 05/11/21
- Health decreased by -49%, from 350 to 180.
- Attack increased by 100%, from 30 to 60.
- 11/02/21
- Power Damage: 160 to 150 (-6%).
- Time Between Attacks: 2.10 to 2.45 (17%).
- DPS: 28.571 to 24.490 (-14%).
- 03/01/22
- New Kid Power Damage: 32 to 16 (-50%)
- 该卡牌的设计思路,例如克雷格的激光眼和印加帝国的关系,参考了剧集“无处不在2:持续惊恐”。
- 在背景中可以看到绑在十字架上遭受火刑的丽安·卡特曼。