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南方公園(少兒不宜) | 南方公園:肥胖終末/冷知識 | 待定 | ![]() |
該頁面內容是關於 「南方公園:肥胖終末」 的冷知識,還包括大眾文化、聯繫、疏漏、肯尼之死、隱藏的天外來客等內容。請注意,如果你想就某一冷知識進行討論,請移步文章下方的評論區。
- Wendy's mom's first name is revealed to be "Alexis".
- The opening disclaimer is played at the end of the special, while a new disclaimer appears at the start of the special taking its usual place saying "The following program contains the actual sound of an obesity drug being injected into Trey Parker's stomach. Viewer Discretion is advised."
- This is the third storyline to focus on Cartman's weight, the first being "Fat Camp" in Season 4, and the second being "Let Them Eat Goo" in Season Twenty-Three.
- According to behind-the-scenes footage, initial versions would have seen Kenny surviving the special, appearing in the cafeteria at the end with the rest of the boys.[1]
- On the dashboard of the big rig, there is a pamphlet, flyer and magazine that reference past episodes and characters:
- A pamphlet for Backcountry Adventures from "I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining".
- A partially visible flyer with the Memberberries that reads "Remember - YOU'RE NOT ALONE".
- A magazine titled SPORTS - FOOTBALLS HERO? feature a Denver Broncos player wearing a #27 jersey.
- Cartman wears the same Hawaiian shirt at the end of the special as he did in "The Poor Kid".
- The URL myLizzo.com[region locked] that is seen in the Lizzo commercial redirects to this special's streaming listing on Paramount+.
- The phone number 1-833-MYLIZZO (or 1-833-695-4996) leads to an audio playback of the Lizzo commercial.
- The ATV Trix Rabbit was riding is a 2004-2005 Honda TRX450R.
- 影片開場模仿了2004年電影《活死人黎明》(Dawn of the Dead)——它們擁有類似的音頻和新聞報道的蒙太奇,並伴有靜電閃爍的效果。
- 蒙太奇還惡搞了《活死人黎明》開頭由約翰尼·卡什(Johnny Cash)演唱歌曲《The Man Comes Around》(2002)的惡搞。本片中則是由特雷·帕克演唱,並填上了南方公園主題曲的歌詞內容。
- 開場中的音頻、照片和視頻列表:
- 本片出現了幾個真實的麥片或零食品牌的吉祥物,分別是:
- 巴特斯穿着宇航服的場景參考了電影《星際穿越》(Interstellar)中主角進入黑洞的一幕。
- 結尾的追逐站場景是對《瘋狂的麥克斯》(Mad Max)電影的致敬。
- 在蘭迪到達派對之前播放的歌曲是瑪麗·布萊姬(Mary J. Blige)的「家庭事務」。
- 蘭迪注射諾和泰後播放的歌曲是傑拉德·麥克曼(Gerard McMann)的「哭吧,小妹妹」,這首歌曾出現在電影《捉鬼小精靈》(The Lost Boys)中。
- 當卡特曼得知自己不再被嘲笑為胖子時,結尾播放的歌曲是埃德加·溫特樂隊(The Edgar Winter Group)的「自由馳騁」。
- 在「與美國醫保系統談判」蒙太奇期間,巴特斯在一個迷宮般的上下顛倒和側向的樓梯中迷路,通向各種醫療大樓的場景參考了荷蘭畫家M.C.埃舍爾(M. C. Escher)的版畫《相對性》(Relativity)。
- 在劇集開始時,醫生給卡特曼開了一張名為「麗珠」(Lizzo)的處方,這裏指的是以其歌詞和表演中表達身體自愛(body positivity)主題而聞名的歌手麗珠。
- 在該集首播的第二天,真實的麗珠在她的社交媒體賬戶上發佈了觀看「麗珠」藥品廣告的反應視頻。雖然她起初感到擔憂和震驚,但最終她對她的身體自愛理念能被《南方公園》創作者接受感到滿意。麗珠最後還唱了這個諷刺藥品的廣告歌。[8][9]
- 「麗珠」藥品廣告中展示了一位患者手持一張黑膠唱片封套,融合了麗珠實際發行的《Special》、《Big Grrrl Small World》以及麗珠演唱會開場曲的《Barbie》電影原聲帶的封面藝術元素。
- 劇集中反覆提到減肥處方藥諾和泰(Ozempic),以及Mounjaro和Zepbound——這兩個都是替爾泊肽(Tirzepatide)的商品名。
- 巴特斯稱卡特曼的第一個麥片熱量炸彈捅為「奧本海默」,這是對羅伯特·奧本海默(J. Robert Oppenheimer)的引用,他在1942年主導了曼哈頓計劃,製造了美國在二戰期間用於轟炸廣島和長崎的原子彈。這個名字因2023年的同名傳記電影而被廣泛討論。
- 卡特曼升級版的麥片熱量炸彈捅被稱為「斯托米·丹尼爾斯」(Stormy Daniels),這是一位美國色情電影女演員和導演的名字,她在2024年5月涉及前美國總統當勞·特朗普的相關審判中擔任控方證人。
- 男孩們為卡特曼準備他們自己的減肥藥時播放的歌曲是印度歌手維努·馬利什(Vennu Mallesh)的《我的人生我做主》。
- 在「麗珠」藥品廣告的背景中,患者坐在一個房間裏聽麗珠的專輯,而房間裏出現了平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)的黑膠唱片《月之暗面》(Dark Side of the Moon)以及爵士音樂家邁爾斯·戴維斯(Miles Davis)的海報。
- Cartman rips on Kyle for being ginger twice. One of these instances has him mention that Kyle has freckles. This goes against what Cartman says in "Ginger Kids" where he says Kyle is not a ginger for not having freckles (or light skin). But if Kyle truly is a ginger, it does give truth to him being called a "ginger Jersey Jew" in "It's a Jersey Thing".
- Bradley Biggle appears on a missing poster in the cafeteria, referencing his role as Mintberry Crunch.
- List of errors in the Periodic Table displayed at Kyle's laboratory.
- Rhenium (Re) incorrectly labelled as "Ru".
- Osmium (Os) and Hasmium (Hs) are missing. All adjacent elements of up to Group 12 are shifted as a result.
- Five instances of "Ti" labelled in place of "Au" (Gold), "Cn" (Copernicium), "Tl" (Thallium), "Rn" (Radon) and "Og" (Oganesson).
- Tony the Tiger throws Kenny against a car's windshield killing him instantly. This marks Kenny's first onscreen death since "The Pandemic Special".
- ↑ "thesouthparkers on Instagram" (May 25, 2024). Retrieved on May 27, 2024.
- ↑ "gritttfit on Instagram" (November 17, 2023). Retrieved on May 24, 2024.
- ↑ "Celebrities Who've Publicly Spoken About Ozempic". E! News on YouTube (July 5, 2023). Retrieved on May 24, 2024.
- ↑ "Oprah on What We Get Wrong When It Comes to Weight Loss Conversations". Oprah Daily on YouTube (September 21, 2023). Retrieved on May 24, 2024.
- ↑ Kelley, Sonia (April 10, 2024). "Semaglutide & eye health: Can Ozempic cause vision problems?". All About Vision. Retrieved on May 24, 2024.
- ↑ Thuduwage, Jenomi (December 27, 2022). "Comparing Ozempic vs. Wegovy For Weight Loss". Pharmacy Planet. Retrieved on May 24, 2024.
- ↑ "Weight loss patients eagerly await Ozempic, Mounjaro FDA update". ABC News on YouTube (May 2, 2023). Retrieved on May 24, 2024.
- ↑ @lizzo on TikTok
- ↑ "Lizzo reacts to being named an Ozempic alternative in South Park joke: 'I'm really that bitch'". Entertainment Weekly (May 26, 2024). Retrieved on May 26, 2024.
- ↑ Ozempic Commercial (2022-2023)
- ↑ Ozempic Commercial #2 (2023-2024)