




Y'all ready for this?

Get down with the sound, house on the ground
Freeze when I squeeze, drop to your knees
You must obey, I'm in here to stay
Ready to take you around the way

So you're ready for this, mind your own biz
'Cause I am bad, yeah, the microphone wiz
No need to sit, 'cause we're 2 Unlimited
Ready, ready, ready for this

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah

Feel the base, you just get closer
Be impressed by the words I chose so
Once again kickin' it live
Doin' everything yo just to survive

Above the law, I think I stand
Here on stage with a mic in my hand
Bustin' it loud into the crowd
The age is 20, I'm from the south

Be a part, break my heart
Get ready for this, mind your own biz
People in the front, show me what you want
And I won't give it in, get ready for this

We're 2 Unlimited, so people won't you sit?
Movin' up and down, dancin' on the ground
Feelin' kinda free, security
House is the sound, that moves you from the ground

House on the ground, bass in your face
Ray’s in the place, no time to waste
Being hypnotized, I see it in your eyes
Feelin' kinda better, put on your sweater

Being black or white, I think it doesn't matter
Super, dope, def, and even outrageous
If I was an animal, they’d kept me in cages
So get ready for this

Y'all ready for this?

Be a part, break my heart
Get ready for this, mind your own biz
People in the front, show me what you want
And I won't give it in, get ready for this

We're 2 Unlimited, so people won't you sit?
Movin' up and down, dancin' on the ground
Feelin' kinda free, security
House is the sound, that moves you from the ground

为爱战斗吧 | 挑战极限 | 弦乐柔板 | 痛碎之心 | 尬舞 | 忘我 | 我口袋里有东西送给你 | 杰菲之歌 | 我的根 | 我爱刷牙 | 我的机器人朋友 | 摸我身体 | 一起乘火车 | 改变的力量 | 我的许愿树 | 未来只在你我 | 星条旗永不落 | 准备就绪 | 是谁放的狗 | 不投票就去死! | 康巴亚 | 广角镜头特写宠物 | 帕丽斯·希尔顿传奇 | 苹果歌 | 蠢婊子摄影套装 | 四季变换 | 一年一度圣诞节 | 动起来 | 森林小动物之歌